Isn't it just funny, how an older brother will always be capable of showing up their younger sibling? Well it's the truth and its all right with me, cause I look up to my older brother, COTTRELL GUIDRY. I make music and he's a talented actor. Now he's a talented actor who; writes music video treatments for various directors, creates short films, and started his own production company (StayCool Productions). Ya... thats my older brother. #ProudLilBro Please take a moment to watch the trailer to the first short film that Cottrell made, titled "The Big Test". Produced by STAY COOL PRODUCTIONS LLC and Connor Bear Films Staring: Kat Graham and Cottrell Guidry. Co-Staring: Kevin Fonteyne and Madison Dylan. Directed by: Connor Daly and Cottrell Guidry.
Film description: Sean is a slacker, pot head, who wants to be taken seriously by his girlfriend Sara, so he offers to watch her dog while she goes out of town for the weekend.
Written By: Cottrell Guidry and Connor Daly