"One of our Freesax friends has an inspiring story. We kept seeing posts from Brett Guidry on our page, and finally wrote to him to find out who he is. The messages we exchanged speak to the real power of music to change lives. He said we could share what he had written, so here is an excerpt from our exchange. Brett says, “Music is what helped me get through my addiction. I started writing and recording music back when I went to my first rehab treatment center. I almost died numerous times but it wasn’t until I was locked up in jail fighting a 6-year prison sentence that I knew I needed to change my life. Having been blessed with a second chance, I was released to another rehab program and started writing and recording more and more. I released my début album on January 27th, 2011. Now I have a little over 3 years and 8 months clean and sober – I owe my life and my sobriety to the lord and to music ! I want to inspire people to want to be better and help them understand that NOTHING is impossible.”
Please check out Brett’s website at http://www.mcimprint.com/ and help share his message."